Seth Rogen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Anthony Mackie team-up with director Jonathan Levine to bring us The Night Before, a raunchy, blatantly offensive yet at the same time downright hilarious comedy, sprinkled with a little holiday spirit. The movie follows friends Ethan Miller (Gordon-Levitt), Isaac Greenberg (Rogen) and Chris Roberts...
The World Trade Centre, known informally as the Twin Towers, were the tallest buildings in the world at the time of their completion in 1974. What it did not expect was for its inauguration to the world to be so death-defying and humanly insurmountable. This moment of pure awe...
At one point or another, we all miss classic 90’s paraphernalia, from rom coms like Clueless, inflatable sofas and the original, not-so-terrifying Ferby. The 1990s were an era that is highly reminisced, particularly by those born within the decade. Now it seems we just cannot cushion in uncomfortable furniture, odd toys or comfortably...
Foregrounded in the decrepit decor of Basin City basks bludgeoned beauty, thirstful revenge and unjust corruption. The gritty city streets can uncage even the humblest of inhabitants, though who’ll allow themselves to lose control? Which of them will truly let the monster out? Sin City: A Dame to Kill...
As Sin City: A Dame to Kill For storms style first into UK theatres, our writers recognise some of the finest films of neo-noir cinema. Blade Runner The archetypal neo-noir, Ridley Scott’s adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is extremely prescient. 32 years after...