Sony’s release of the teaser trailer for Hotel Transylvania 2 makes a promise that the full film will be just as funny as the first released in 2012. The whimsical and intriguing music in this two-minute promo, along with the brilliant animation, is convincing enough to have high expectations for what may...
Last week, Disney stepped forward to unveil the teaser trailer for their new feature, Tomorrowland. Brad Bird, director of The Incredibles, is the second to take on the task converting a Disney World parks attraction into a film. The first, Gore Verbinski, had elevated success with the Pirates of the Caribbean...
Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day reunite in the highly anticipated sequel, Horrible Bosses 2. The trailer reveals the terrific trio launching their own business, inventing the ‘Shower Buddy’. But when they are duped by a slick father-son business team (Chris Pine and Christoph Waltz) the guys come...