Emily Fletcher Les Misérables is one of the world’s longest running musicals, featuring on West End stages for 32 years in various re-imaginings with a variety of musical theatre stars across its time. This past week the latest cast recording of the musical has been released, recorded live from...
Sunday 24th January 2016 revealed Banksy’s new piece of work opposite the French Embassy in Knightsbridge, London. The artwork utilises the iconic image of Cosette, from Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables, crying as a result of teargas. His newest artwork is evidently critiquing the French authorities and their use of...
Although this could have been written by IMPACT Music, I felt that the topic is centred around flaws when applied specifically to musicals, which falls squarely within the Arts. Also although the argument I am going to present is going to be scathing, it must be noted that I do...
In anticipation for Christopher Nolan’s wormhole wandering in his pioneering sci-fi epic Interstellar, our writers have united on a voyage to discover some of the most ambitious films ever to have been made. War and Peace The production notes for the 1967 Best Foreign Language Picture winner, War and Peace...