Annabelle Underdown Remi Weekes debut feature film, His House (2020) graced our screens after its Netflix release at the end of October. The film centres around south-Sudanese asylum seekers, Bol (Sope Dirisu) and Rial (Wunmi Mosaku), as they navigate their new home in a dilapidated Essex town. After watching...
Matthew Bird The Christmas Chronicles (parts one and two) offer viewers a heart-warming story and a wonderful glimpse into the festive world that is Santa’s Village. The chimney-hopping, toy-making capabilities of most depictions of Santa pale in comparison to the Santa shown in these films. So, is this Santa...
Sharon Hsieh Revisited at the end of 2020: Our Responsibility to Hong Kong The film Ten Years attracted numerous controversies when first released, including the official block of Hong Kong Film Awards from Chinese Central Television for its nomination of Best Film. The movie is seen as a major...
Rebecca Barton Season 4 of Netflix’s hit show The Crown arrived on our screens on November 15th, and has brought with it rave reviews and well-deserved praise. Much anticipated, the fourth season focuses heavily upon the rocky relationship between Prince Charles and Lady Diana, and gives us access into...
Adam Feely Mental illness, depression, addiction, human condition, sexuality, trauma and self-destructive behaviour. These are just a handful of issues addressed in Netflix’s animated programme BoJack Horseman. Yes, you did read that correctly, an animated programme. It follows the exploits of the titular BoJack, a washed-up, narcissistic, alcoholic, drug...
Sarah Harris The newest season of the crown was probably one of the most highly anticipated yet, due to the addition of Emma Corrin who played the beloved Princess Diana, and Sex Education Icon, Gillian Anderson who took on the role of former Prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. I wouldn’t...
Emily Fletcher The ‘Genius’ and their experience of addiction can be seen in Netflix’s new original limited series The Queen’s Gambit, which was recently released. It takes on a young girl’s ascent into the world of competitive chess and her descent into an addiction to prescription drugs and alcohol....