• Impact On The Campaign Trail: Day 1

    Impact News finds out how the SU election candidates are publicising their campaigns on social media and online. Presidential candidate, Ed Keevil, and Sports Officer candidate, Yolanda King, have responded to questions posted on the Student Leader Elections’ ‘Ask a Candidate’ webpage today. Ed Keevil responded to a question...
  • Meet Your SU Part-Time Candidates 2015

    Following a successful Media Day, Impact presents the University of Nottingham Students’ Union (UoNSU) Representative Candidates for SU Elections 2015. Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) ANJULI ‘ANGEL’ R K S Anjuli’s manifesto points include finding a kitchen specifically for use by JSoc to prepare Kosher food on site rather than...
  • Meet Your SU Full-Time Candidates 2015

    Following a successful Media Day, Impact presents the University of Nottingham Students’ Union (UoNSU) Executive Candidates for SU Elections 2015. PRESIDENT ANGHARAD SMITH Angharad’s position as a Week One co-ordinator and experience on the Women’s Hockey Committee inspired her to run for the role as President, she realised how important it...
  • Plans for £40 million sports village to go ahead

    Plans for a £40 million sports village at the University of Nottingham have been accepted after being altered to prevent felling trees. Proposals for the village were initially declined by Nottingham City Council on the grounds that it would require the loss of three veteran oak trees, believed to...
  • Nottingham New Theatre Interview – Orphans

    This week, Impact Arts speaks to Gus Herbert, director of the New Theatre’s latest in-house production: Orphans by Dennis Kelly. Tell us a bit about Orphans – what is the plot? Helen and her husband Danny are having a quiet night in, celebrating the news that Helen is newly pregnant...
  • University of Nottingham student experience ranked second by international students

    The University of Nottingham has been rated the second best university in the UK by international students, ranking higher than the University of Cardiff. Each university was rated out of ten by its international students and all results were derived from opinion based student reviews. The university is one...
  • 2000-signature Living Wage Petition Handed Over To University Registrar

    A petition signed by 2000 people and 77 societies in favour of the University of Nottingham becoming a Living Wage Employer has been handed over to the university registrar, Dr Paul Greatrix. Seven university students and a professor from the University and College Union met with Dr Greatrix to...