The Nottingham New Theatre presents a charming yet cheeky rendition of Oscar Wilde’s most renowned play, The Importance of Being Earnest. The play is a witty tragic comedy which comments satirically on the moral standards of Victorian society. The NNT have succeeded in resurrecting Wilde’s text to make it...
‘A trivial comedy for serious people’ runs true to its name in this comedically spectacular revival of one of Oscar Wilde’s most highly regarded plays. The farcical comedy exposes Victorian London’s social conventions and the characters attempting to escape these customs. The play centres around the satirical pursuit for...
‘Bunburying’, handbags and cucumber sandwiches abound in this new version of Oscar Wilde’s famous play The Importance of Being Earnest. From the second the curtain rose on this elaborate and hilarious production, the audience knew it was in for a treat. Directed by former RSC Executive Director, Adrian Noble, and...