Rebecca Barton The Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the most discussed and watched franchises in the world, littered with both films and television series that intricately connect to one another. Like much that it has paused, COVID-19 has seen a postponement of cinema releases, starving the Marvel-mad among...
Deontaye Osazuwa No.10 has defended equalities minister Kemi Badenoch after calling HuffPost journalist Nadine White “creepy and bizarre” for asking questions about a cross-party video encouraging vaccine take up in Black communities. In a heated Twitter thread , Ms Badenoch published private emails that Ms White had sent asking...
Dear white people, it’s about time we take action against racism. The murder of George Floyd has awakened many to the racial injustice that permeates our lives. For hundreds of years, through slavery, colonialism, murder and theft, white supremacy has seeped its way into our systems like a disease;...
With Trump engaging in a fact checking war with Twitter and stating on the Black Lives Matter protests that ‘when the looting starts, the shooting starts’, questions are being raised over whether presidential power in the US has gone too far. Last week when Trump claimed that Mail-In ballots...
A clear outcome of the current lockdown measures imposed across the world is an increase in activity on social media. Social media has been a huge of our technology-driven society for over a decade now, so the fact that it has perhaps become more embedded into our current lives...
Last year a member of the Doncaster Pride community came up with an innovative idea to remember soldiers who would have been considered part of the LGBT community. Doncaster Pride posted on Instagram in 2018 (before being deleted) a poppy that had a rainbow on one of its petals....
Another casual day of studying and then my Twitter explodes with the recent announcement that My Chemical Romance are reuniting and going on tour....