Whether you are just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her; or delivering the ‘I like you’ speech ‘just the way you are’, there are of course fundamental ingredients which together create the best romantic comedies of all time. Potential ingredients include but...
Natalie Howarth According to a statistic tracking Valentine’s Day sales, the commercial holiday brought in a revenue of roughly $20 million in the U.S. alone in 2018. With the current cost of living crisis, are people less likely to splurge on their partner/themselves for Valentine’s? Does Valentine’s Day have...
Grace Carty Every year, you hear the arguments that Valentine’s Day is just a commercialised holiday made by companies for companies. And yes, it may be just that. However, it can also act as a time for singletons to feel that little bit more alone. If that’s you, don’t...
Poppy Read-Pitt Valentine’s Day can be a tricky time if you’re single. Seeing your friends all coupled up is lovely – you’re very happy for them, truly – but it can also make you want to scream. On a day where everyone else seems so happy and content, it’s...
Cora-Laine Moynihan Romantic comedies have been an age-old cure for broken and yearning hearts, setting the standard for love across the world. That’s something you will never hear anyone say. While rom-coms are occasionally used by broken-hearted and lonely singles to escape into these stories of laughter and romance...
Unsure how to pull off an impressive Valentines, no fear Kayleigh is here with a perfect date night menu...
If you’re not planning staying in with a takeaway this year with your significant other and fancy getting out and about – you may be thinking of heading out into town this Valentine's Day....