Daria Paterek When Netflix announced a Winx adaptation, Fate: The Winx Saga – fans of the original cartoon were thrilled. They envisioned a return of a childhood classic filled with bright colours, girly outfits, and real diversity. However, upon the release of the trailer, the series was overcome with...
Following recent rumours that Netflix’s TV adaptation of a cherished video game series would cast a BAME actress in the role of a white-haired, white-skinned character, Ben discusses the complexities surrounding the controversy. Discussions surrounding the merits (and demerits) of casting BAME actors in traditionally white roles are as...
Since its debut in 2006, Death Note has become one of the most successful and well-known animes worldwide. It is therefore unsurprising that director Adam Wingard made the decision to create a feature-length production based upon the original Japanese work. Yet the term ‘based on’ must be used loosely,...