Love them or hate them, lecturers are at the forefront of every student’s university experience. And in those moments where social media or ASOS just will not cut it for mid-lecture procrastination, you can always count on a professor’s outfit for distraction. Whether they are clad in fashion must-haves or sporting an ensemble so bad you cannot look away – a lecturer’s style can say a lot about their personality. Here is my round up of some of the characters you might come across during your time at uni.
The ‘Daddy’

Courtesy of @pll07._.a on Instagram.
In the words of Beyoncé – ‘tell me, baby, why don’t you love me?’ A creature of myth and legend, the ‘daddy’ lecturer is both a blessing and a curse. Prepare for a term of low-quality lecture notes and high-quality visuals (*wipes drool*). Groomed to perfection, the ‘daddy’ is all about muted tones, sharp ensembles and regular haircuts. Try not to get too attached though—this lecturer has the audacity to wear a wedding ring to class. Insensitive right? And just when you think he notices you, he will probably ask what your name is on the register. Tragic.
The Professional
I’m sorry, was I breathing too loud? Do not be fooled—this lecturer is NOT your friend. Probably a leader in their own research field, the professional is far too busy for small talk so do not waste their time. Not one for experimenting with style, this lecturer has 3 or 4 signature outfits on loop. In fact, you know them so well they haunt you at night. If I just close my eyes… ah yeah, there is the black turtleneck with the beaded necklace. Cannot wait for Tuesday’s jumper and jeans look, paired with a frown.
The Cool Uncle

Courtesy of @mr.davidefranchi on Instagram.
Welcome to the land of cardigans. This lecturer loves a casual jacket paired with chinos and Nike New Balance trainers. The cool uncle walks around campus with books in his blazer and a smile on his face. Haven’t heard Mozart’s Requiem yet? Embarrassed for you. This professor loves nothing better than a G&T and a classical playlist—all before going home to the old ball and chain.
The Nerd
This lecturer is the definition of cute. A gentle soul too pure for this world, expect bootcut jeans and t-shirts with pop culture references or logos. Been to Millets have we? Outdoor clothing certainly is practical. This lecturer lives for their subject and absolutely loves teaching it. Try not to cry as they tell you about their close relationship with grandma and how she proofreads their research.
The Nutjob
Are you ok there hun? This lecturer is away with the fairies and you have no idea how they got their job in the first place. Ever found yourself saying ‘lovely person but terrible teacher’? Yeah, me too. There really is no better feeling than knowing you have spent £9K a year to teach yourself an entire module. Sending out major hippy vibes, the nutjob floats around in oversized knitwear and ankle-grazing skirts or trousers from second-hand shops. Unafraid to experiment with pattern and colour, this lecturer’s style is carefree and fun.
The Diva
You would rather have a colonoscopy than attend this professor’s lectures. The Diva does not know when to shut up and loves to waffle. Expect super-skinny jeans bursting with broken dreams and button up shirts too tight for words. Throw in a headset and you have yourself a midlife crisis! My advice—do not make any sudden movements around the Diva. Close your eyes and do not even look at them, because if you do you will find yourself performing at the front of the ‘theatre’, wondering why you turned off Netflix and came to campus in the first place.
Megan Bull
Featured Image courtesy of @lizzie.sykes via Instagram.
Main Images courtesy of @pll07._.a, @mr.davidefranchi, @siriusly.hp via Instagram.
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