This week, as a part of the university’s ‘phased re-opening’ of on campus libraries, University Park’s Hallward Library was re-opened with new safety measures, resource borrowing systems and opening times.
The university confirmed that, as a part of ‘Phase 1’ of the re-opening of campus libraries, a ‘click and collect’ system will now be used. Operated through the ‘NUsearch’ software available to all students, to borrow a book students will now need to request it on online first and then wait to receive an email informing you that the book is ready to be picked up.

Step by step guidance on the ‘click and collect’ system released by the university.
As a result, in person visits to Hallward Library are now allowed only if you have received email confirmation that your books are available to collect.
The university has also made available help and support online describing how best to navigate searching for resources on NUsearch.
It was also released that Hallward library was the only library on campus to be opened, with the James Cameron-Gifford, Greenfield Medical, George Green and Denis Arnold Music libraries to be a part of future opening plans, subject to change.
Phase 1 will also involve resources scanning requests to be made online. Only resources at Hallward Library, however, will be available until further notice.
Safety measures now in place at Hallward Library include staff screens, floor and wall signage, hand sanitiser and additional cleaning. All returned books are set to be quarantined for 72 hours before being made available for click and collect again.
“Phase 2 of library re-opening… will involve access to library shelves and a wide range of services”
New opening times, revised to allow time for additional cleaning and swapping of staff shifts, mean that the library is now open only between the hours of 10:00-12:45 and 13:15-15:00 on weekdays, and closed completely on weekends. Longer opening hours are expected to be confirmed toward the start of the academic term.
Phase 2 of library re-opening, the start time of which is set to be decided, will involve access to library shelves and a wider range of services.
Aidan Hall
Featured image courtesy nico_enders via Flickr. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image.
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