
Simple Ways To Improve Your Laser Hair Removal Experience

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Laser hair removal is one of the easiest ways to keep the rate of body hair growth, stubble and instances of ingrown hair, at bay. Not everyone wants to get rid of their body hair, but if you do, this guide to laser hair removal will make your experience so much easier!

It is no wonder that both men and women prefer to head over to an effective laser hair removal clinic at least once a month for a treatment session. In this context, it is best to learn about some simple steps which when followed will let you improve your laser body hair removal experience by many folds.

The steps are as follows:

  • Avoid stepping out into the sun before or after the treatment session. Tanned skin doesn’t react too well when subjected to the laser beam and treated skin when exposed to the UV radiation of the sun will result in burning sensations.
  • You would need to avoid using makeup or cosmetic products on the treated areas of the skin.

you can always apply cold packs in the treated areas of your skin in order to numb the soreness and irritation

  • You would need to stop shaving or waxing the target areas of your skin that will be subjected to the laser beam of a body hair removal equipment.
  • Before you head over to the clinic for the first session, you would need to shave the target areas of the skin in order to rid them of excess body hair. In this way, the laser beam will be able to penetrate better into your skin and render the hair follicular units inactive.
  • It is no news that laser body hair removal is similar to having rubber bands snapped at your skin. Sure some will not mind the little pain as the results would be worthy of their patience but in case you are not a brave heart then you can always apply cold packs in the treated areas of your skin in order to numb the soreness and irritation.

exfoliating the treated areas on your skin will allow you to help your skin shed the weakened or dying body hair

  • After the completion of your laser body hair removal sessions, you would need to start exfoliating the treated areas in your skin after a week has passed. Why? Well, exfoliating the treated areas on your skin will allow you to help your skin shed the weakened or dying body hair strands at a faster rate.
  • In case you have visited the clinic to get body hair from your bikini line removed then make sure that you are wearing undergarments that are light coloured. The reason is simple – Laser is a high-intensity beam of light and light itself is a form of radiation. Dark coloured clothes absorb more light thus heats up your body – a piece of information that everyone knows. The same logic applies here – when you are wearing dark coloured undergarments, chances are high that the same might absorb the intense heat of the laser beam and burn your skin. So to be on the safe side of things, always wear light coloured undergarments when you are visiting the clinic to remove the body hair from your bikini line.

For the best results, be sure to choose a laser body hair removal clinic that has been in business for a while and employs none but the best staff as well as dermatologists. On top of this, the ‘ideal laser body hair removal clinic’ would have all known forms of laser body hair removal equipment at its disposal. Choose a clinic based on these parameters and follow the simple ways to improve your laser body hair removal treatment and you will be sorted!

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Feature image courtesy of Mel Poole via Unsplash. Image license found here. No changes made to this image.

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