
Student’s Union Nominations

India Marriott

The nomination period for the Students’ Union Officer elections has begun! Impact‘s India Marriott reports on the matter.

“For more than 100 years, your Students’ Union (SU) has been the centre of student life. Independent from the University, it’s run by students, for students. That means it represents you, defends your interests, and fights for the changes you want to see.” 

The nomination period closes Friday 11th March at 1pm

There are both part-time and full-time roles available, such as: Activities, Community, Education, Liberation, Postgraduate, Sports, Union Development and Welfare & Wellbeing Officer. Part-time positions are available to current students, whereas full-time positions are available to either those who have finished University or who opt to take a year out.

The nomination period closes Friday 11th March at 1pm, and the process of being nominated happens online on the SU website. 

For more information regarding the Nominations and the election in general, check out the SU website here.

India Marriott

Featured image courtesy of Kate Gardiner via Flickr. Image licence found here. No changes were made to this image.

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