Despite having already been treated to half of the ten songs on their new record Happy People, question marks still remained over Peace. Are they just the Nineties pretenders as the cynics claim? Would they fall victim to the archetypal second album clichés of making everything sound bigger without...
Following a return to lectures and worrying for future plans, Originals provides a welcome break to the start of Spring term. Disillusionment of Ten O Clock The houses are haunted By white night-gowns. None are green, Or purple with green rings, Or green with yellow rings, Or yellow with...
If you’re older than sixty, by all means, go and see this play. However, if you happen to be a university student, you will find yourself to be the youngest audience member to see Forever Young by about forty years. The play is an exploration of life in a...
In the past 3 Originals we have given a brief explanation of the poems featured, however this time I want to provide a collection of festive or seasonal poetry that should just be enjoyed and perused at your leisure. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Winter Song –...
White Christmas is an all-singing, all-dancing Christmas explosion. This West End stage version of Irving Berlin’s classic, originally a 1954 film starring Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney, fully encapsulates the 1950s jazzy, happy spirit. White Christmas tells the tale of an army captain and a private who, unbeknownst to the captain, catch...
Although this could have been written by IMPACT Music, I felt that the topic is centred around flaws when applied specifically to musicals, which falls squarely within the Arts. Also although the argument I am going to present is going to be scathing, it must be noted that I do...
Having previously seen Noel Fielding in what he described as the worst gig of his life, my expectations going into ‘An Evening with Noel Fielding’ were pretty high. This performance had to wipe out that previous gig in my memory with something better and I knew the moment I...