• The Socumentaries: Boxing

    Being two girls with little sporting expertise or experience, we weren’t sure what to expect of our experience at UoN’s Boxing Club. We go to the gym and both swim regularly, but neither of us would describe ourselves as particularly strong or savvy in any sort of combat situations....
  • A Student’s Guide to Understanding Middle Eastern Conflicts: Israel/Palestine

    While it’s important to keep up to date on current affairs and world politics, sometimes it’s almost impossible to understand exactly what’s happened in the past and what’s going on now – especially when it comes to conflicts in the Middle East. In these articles, Impact Features writer Natalie will try to...
  • “Let the Others in But Let the Muslims Drown”: A Muslim Student’s Daily Battle with Misonceptions

    In the midst of attacks against women in hijabs and fear-mongering in certain tabloid news outlets it seems that now is a more relevant time than ever to discuss the issues facing followers of Islam in the wake of discrimination and bigotry. Sharmin Faruque, a student from London, describes her...
  • Top 3 Upcoming (Non-Clubbing) Events in Nottingham

    As the nights get colder and our wallets lighter, at this time of year it is always difficult to afford good days/nights out. Plus, if you like to give your liver a rest before Christmas, then sometimes it’s nice to go to an event that doesn’t demand shots… Impact Features...
  • The Trials and Tribulations of Third Year #4

    Trying not to look homeless, unfriending racists, and panicking about the future: it’s been an interesting week for third year Natalie. Recognise how she is feeling? Comment below and let us know!  My week began with being locked out of my house and huddling on the doorstep, trying to...
  • Floss Thinks…

    …about when to wear what. Last week I went with my family to see my 17-year-old brother at his military boarding school and attend their Remembrance Day service. We had been to a similar event in the summer for the school’s AGI (annual general inspection) which involved a large...
  • The North/South Divide: Does it Actually Matter?

    One of the first arguments you’ll ever have in freshers is the age old question: which is better, North or South? This question can cause hours of dispute, each side remaining loyal to their geographical location. But, other than for banter purposes, does it really matter whether you’re from...