Once upon a time, every child grew up spellbound by the magic of Disney movies. We all cried when Mufasa fell to his doom, we all filled our homes with high-pitched cries of ‘Under The Sea’, and we all sat cross-legged on our living room rug imaging ourselves traversing...
Celebrities have long popped up in places we least expect them, and I’m not talking about in cafes or in the high street. I’m talking about television and film, and about the musicians who star even when we least expect it. There are some great examples and some terrible...
Following recent rumours that Netflix’s TV adaptation of a cherished video game series would cast a BAME actress in the role of a white-haired, white-skinned character, Ben discusses the complexities surrounding the controversy. Discussions surrounding the merits (and demerits) of casting BAME actors in traditionally white roles are as...
In a year of countless brilliant and industry-shaking films and TV shows, a trend seems to be emerging. An interest in humans in space has gripped the industry, and it doesn’t seem to be changing any time soon. Science Fiction has long been a popular genre, but arguably in...
This month there are several continuations of different franchises. Hoping to score the awards-love that its prior film controversially missed out on, is the latest in the Rocky series: Creed II. Lisbeth Salander (Claire Foy, taking over from Rooney Mara) returns in The Girl in the Spider’s Web, a...
‘Tis the season…to be chilled to the bone! With the ghostly holiday upon us, Impact Film & TV have decided to appreciate some of the creatures and monsters that have blessed the silver and small screen, as well as our nightmares. Without further ado, here are our top horror...
Rob Zombie’s 2003 directorial debut failed to gel with initial audiences, but is the beloved cult classic a misunderstood gem of the genre, or a relic of the ‘70s era of exploitation cinema? A group of teenagers find themselves prey to a family of murderous psychopaths whilst travelling across...