• Brexit and its Impact on the Food Industry

    The scary truth is that we are now in Brex-month and the possibility of a no-deal Brexit is still technically on the table. As we move unnervingly fast towards the 29th March, the government is still unsure of what life in Britain will be like from April onwards. If the...
  • Going Vegan for Lent?

    Deciding to go vegan for Lent did not arise from going puppy eyed over puppies (disclaimer – I really do not like animals), but from my shameless procrastination of trawling through the depths of Wikipedia for hours whilst pretending to be on Google Scholar in Hallward. Apparently, sacrificing animal...
  • Rosa’s Recommendation of the Week: The Alchemist

    Nestled at the front of the beautiful Grade II listed 11 King Street, just off Old Market Square, The Alchemist is a classy and experimental restaurant with a molecular cocktail menu that will literally blow you away. The menu is a little limited, especially for the veggies and vegans...
  • Cookbook Reviews

    As a student it can be tough to cook nice, appetising meals, whilst also sticking within your budget. Miguel Barclay’s books can therefore be seen to adhering to everything a student could look for in a recipe book, cheap tasty recipes! Inga investigates… I decided to go for a...
  • Rosa’s Recommendation of the Week- Petit Paris

    Fancy eating out in a restaurant that serves tasty French food and is incredibly reasonable? Why not try Petit Paris? I first discovered Petit Paris when I was looking for a restaurant to visit for a date night with my partner, and it was so brilliant that I have...
  • What to eat on St Patrick’s Day?

    The 17th of March is a day for embracing all things Irish, which stretches way beyond the borders of the emerald isle. If you are Irish, you will be accustomed to St Patrick’s day celebrations and Irish culture already, but if not, it is time to seize your annual...
  • How to Reduce Your Meat and Dairy Consumption

    Veganuary, veganism – it’s everywhere! Whilst milk, after all, is meant for calves and animals are being mistreated, it is easier said than done to go vegan after seeing one, most likely, sponsored Youtuber talk about it for fifteen minutes. However, you don’t have to go vegan to help...