• Iceland Advert: Too Political or just Political enough?

    Every year, as December 1st draws closer, we watch as various brands and stores battle it out with their Christmas adverts. Perhaps surprisingly, it was Iceland’s which was banned from broadcast this year, for being ‘too political’. Is this the case, and what does it say about advertising? The...
  • The EU plastic ban: what does it mean for our future?

    As you may or may not be aware, the European Parliament announced on October 24th that it was banning all single-use plastic. That means that all plastic products which are not reusable will be forbidden. So what does this ban entail, exactly, and what are the consequences of it?...
  • Lush’s New Sustainable Line

    Amidst a rising awareness about the environmental and social impact of many of the products we use regularly, sustainability has evolved into a key consideration for global corporations who are concerned about their position in an age of ethical consumerism. Lush has been pioneering in this regard since they...
  • Plants: The Student Guide

    When you’re a busy student, caring for a plant seems like the last thing you want to add to your schedule, but there is plenty of plants that are very easy to look after. It is an undeniable fact that plants are good for you. We all know that...
  • iGEM Nottingham

    What is iGEM? The International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Foundation is a non-profit organisation that encourages advances in synthetic biology by fostering an enthusiasm for up-and-coming scientific research and laboratory techniques in the scientific and non-scientific community alike. The Foundation has been hosting an annual synthetic biology competition since...
  • Impact Investigates: Do students agree with animal testing?

    Animal testing is a topic often up for debate in the UK, due to the controversial ethics that surround the area. The subject of animal testing can be split into two different areas: the use for cosmetic/household products, and for clinical drug trials and medical advancements. In the UK,...