Thanks to Greta Thunberg, raging wildfires and a few well-timed David Attenborough documentaries, the climate message is finally getting through. While we can all agree there is still a long (long) way to go, I am optimistic....
Hannah Sutton Sustainability can occur at all levels within fashion, from the products manufacturing to recycling and reusing schemes (like Depop). There is no current accepted definition of ‘sustainable fashion’, but Green Strategy defines it as manufacturing, marketing and using clothes in the must sustainable way possible. This can...
Lucy Woodward They might not seem like the Bahamas to you or me, but Britain’s hedgerows are something of a paradise for a plethora of species that live there, and they play a surprisingly important role in carbon storage, too. A humble hedgerow can easily support over 3,000 different...
Nila Varman The ocean, despite its size and resourcefulness, remains a mystery to humankind. It’s hard to fathom that only around 5% percent of our oceans have been explored and charted, leaving around 95% of it unexplored and unfamiliar. Initially perceived to be devoid of life forms, the pitch-dark,...
Daria Paterek Since the government announced a five-year trial to reintroduce beavers into the wild, more areas within England have been getting involved. Almost 400 years after beaver extinction in the UK, the government has realised the advantages of beavers within our ecosystem and committed plans to reintroduce them....
Lucy Woodward You’ve all heard the story of Peter Parker, aka Spiderman. Even The Hunger Games’ Peeta gets a fair amount of credit for a somewhat lacklustre main character. But no one’s talking about the real hero of the hour, Peat. In terms of protecting our planet, Peat’s doing...
Rian Patel To roughly offset the carbon footprint of the life of an average 47-year old living in the UK, one would have to plant 2,250 trees. And then let them grow for 50 years, costing time, money, and land. Carbon dioxide is a long-lasting greenhouse gas that traps...