• The Experimental Drug that may Reduce Memory Loss

    It has been reported that a new experimental drug, a derivative of benzodiazepine, may improve memory loss among elderly people. Tests have shown that animals of old age had “better memory skills half an hour after receiving the drug”, which could be taken as a daily pill by those...
  • Lifestyle Health: The Tess Holliday Debate

    After Tess Holliday’s appearance on the cover of Cosmopolitan Magazine in October 2018 sparked controversy, Emma and James discuss both sides of the argument.  James Hurman and Emma-Jane Walker  Featured image courtesy of Cosmopolitan UK Instagram. Follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page for more articles, podcasts and...
  • Slaughter-free meat: a sci-fi nightmare or an innovative solution?

    Food technology is rapidly evolving, as is our relationship to the food we eat and its impact on our bodies and on the planet. Slaughter-free meat might just be the solution we’re waiting for, but what is it, and what does it entail? ‘Slaughter-free meat’ first appeared in headlines...
  • What To Give Up For Lent

    Now I’m not saying that it’s possible to live a wholly positive and fruitful life- human nature means that we all have our bad days. With Lent beginning on 6th March this year, that gives us all a little bit of time to cut out something toxic out of our...
  • Why it’s Good to Say No

    As a society we are constantly encouraged to say ‘yes’. Say yes to new opportunities, to challenging ourselves, to pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones. Growing up I hated saying ‘no’ to people, believing that I was letting both them and myself down in some way. This year,...
  • Impact Investigates Food Production: Nitrates in Bacon and Ham Production

    Following scientific intervention and political influence in a campaign, companies producing meats such as bacon and ham have been asked to reduce or entirely remove nitrites from the meats they produce. What are nitrites? Nitrites or nitrates (NO2 or NO3) are formally known as by-product of ammonia oxidation (where...
  • A Tribute to Dr Stewart Adams

    Dr Stewart Adams, the pioneering pharmacologist credited for the discovery and development of ibuprofen used by millions worldwide, has died aged 95. As a University of Nottingham alumnus, Dr Stewart’s work is tantamount to how work done locally can see a far-reaching impact. Despite the global success of his...