At the end of November of this year, clinical trials for the first male contraceptive gel began. This trials’ success could change the future of contraception for both men and women, perhaps being a preferable alternative to the hotly debated female contraceptive pill… The trial will involve four hundred...
Tea is seen as the cheapest beverage besides water and has been promoted as a health-helping brew since ancient times. As a tea lover myself, I look for any excuse to squeeze in another cup of tea whenever I can. Recent research may actually mean that the more tea...
Within the global female community there is an unfair but shared knowledge that women are sexually assaulted and harassed in everyday life. This common female experience seems almost innate to women because it is something we are forced to live with. However, the sheer proliferation of the matter is...
Iceland’s recently banned advert shows the tragic tale of a baby orangutan losing its home due to deforestation at the hands of palm oil. In light of this thought-provoking advertisement, many have taken to social media promising to boycott palm oil made products and subsequently save the rainforest –...
Why Mars?… On our planet, where there is water, there is life. There is plenty of evidence that liquid water once flowed on Mars. Landforms that could be due to water eroding the landscape are visible, and multiple landers have detected minerals on the surface which usually form in...
Throughout our lives, we’ll meet a variety of people. Some of them will talk until they are hoarse and keep people entertained for hours, others will be talkative at some periods and not at others, and there will also be those who may not contribute much to a conversation,...
Rates of depression and anxiety among young people and teenagers have increased by 70% over the past twenty-five years. As of recent, there has been speculation and poor understanding as to what causes depression and for some, it has been found that medicines do not help, even when trying...