• Should Social Media Addiction be Called a Disease?

    MPs have recently been in discussions to decide whether social media addiction should be classified as a disease. It comes after a long uproar of people claiming social media is affecting children’s mental health and a further recent report undertaken by the government suggesting the same.   In November...
  • Our Attraction to Horror Movies

    From being forced to watch both versions of The Woman in Black during my GCSE’s and spending the greater part of them hidden behind my coat, I started to wonder how my peers could take enjoyment from what I thought to be such a tortuous activity. The idea that...
  • Can you murder a robot?

    Well, can you? A recent BBC article has speculated on the topic. It reported on the tragic murder of the aptly named Hitchbot (a hitchhiking robot), which was found with its arms and legs ripped off and it’s head nowhere to be seen. The Hitchbot, remarkably, was built to...
  • YouTube Demonetises Anti-Vaccine Videos – Too Little Too Late?

    The appearance of adverts next to controversial YouTube videos has once again raised the issue of social media as a propagator of unsafe content. After reviewing where their adverts were being used, big name brands, including Nestle and Kellogg’s, found their adverts being associated with anti-vaccination channels. Needless to...
  • Facebook under Scrutiny for Privacy issues and Monitoring their Users   

    Recently, one of the hottest topics that is related to the social media world is Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica Scandals.  Concerns have grown about the influence of false information and its ability to speak unscrutinised on social media. As one of the most popular social media platforms, Facebook...
  • Sexual Harassment in Brazil Nightclubs: Dress Sensor Technology Demonstrates How Common Sexual Assault Is

    Within the global female community there is an unfair but shared knowledge that women are sexually assaulted and harassed in everyday life. This common female experience seems almost innate to women because it is something we are forced to live with. However, the sheer proliferation of the matter is...
  • The ExoMars Missions: Is there life on Mars?

    Why Mars?… On our planet, where there is water, there is life. There is plenty of evidence that liquid water once flowed on Mars. Landforms that could be due to water eroding the landscape are visible, and multiple landers have detected minerals on the surface which usually form in...