Soul is Pixar’s latest animated film from director-cowriter Pete Doctor. Doctor is the mind behind some of Pixar’s most challenging and highly-regarded films (Monsters Inc, Up and Inside Out). Like Inside Out, Soul attempts to physically represent abstract ideas....
Alex Watkin reviews 'The Godfather, Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone'....
Sharon Hsieh Revisited at the end of 2020: Our Responsibility to Hong Kong The film Ten Years attracted numerous controversies when first released, including the official block of Hong Kong Film Awards from Chinese Central Television for its nomination of Best Film. The movie is seen as a major...
As 2020 draws to a close, a selection of our writers have teamed up to review some of the biggest film releases of the year....
Alex Watkin reviews David Fincher's latest film 'Mank'....
Alex Watkin revisits a classic as he reviews 'The Conformist'....
Alex Watkin reviews 'Anthropocene: The Human Epoch' from the Climate Crisis Film Festival...