With a stellar cast and a fantastically absurd concept at its heart, The Beauty Inside seems promising. But Baek Jong-yul’s use of romantic clichés, while enjoyable to a degree, leaves you with a bad aftertaste. What could well have been an avant-garde piece of film is played out in...
Nottingham Film Festival was at its peak a while ago, and I had the honour of popping along and watching one of the movies on show. Bikini Blue was directed by the Polish director Jaroslaw Marszewski and features both Tomasz Kot and Lianne Harvey as the title characters. “The audience...
Mayhem follows Derek Cho (Steven Yeun of The Walking Dead Fame), a fast-rising employee who finds he has sold his soul to the corporate world as he navigates his way through his office, which is in quarantine after the outbreak of a virus which rises stress level hormones, causing...
On Sunday 8th October, I was given the opportunity to watch the second session of shorts presented by the Nottingham International Film Festival. These shorts presented journeys of self-discovery, reflections on time and relationships, and the tough facts of modern life. While there were some shared themes, each film...
Natalia Leite’s focus on female exploitation in her second feature film, M.F.A (Master of Fine Arts), comes as no surprise. Her previous work delved deep into themes of self-worth, such as stripping in her documentary series, Every Woman, and her first feature film, Bare, explored sexuality, romance and drugs. Leite’s latest film deals...
A documentary concerning the healthcare of New Orleans-based musicians in the wake of Hurricane Katrina is definitely a tough sell. As a niche subject, it sounds like it could work as a short film, but for a full 90 minutes, is there really enough material to cover? Fortunately, the...
This French film, directed by Richard Angers, follows the story of two brothers and a man – Adrien – (Marc Messier) who unintentionally becomes a part of their journey. Adrien drove by as the older brother, Ced (Emile Schneider), was in a fight with a gang member. It appears...