A Man Called Otto was released into cinemas on 6th January 2023. Based on the Swedish novel, A Man Called Ove, by Fredrick Backman, Tom Hanks stars as the widowed and highly suicidal Otto. This film is a story of how friendship from the most unexpected places can change...
Steven Spielberg, arguably the greatest filmmaker of all time, takes control of his narrative by telling a fictionalised version of his early years. The Fabelmans takes us from the initial spark that ignited Spielberg's directing passion, through his parents' divorce, and ending at his beginnings in Hollywood. Matthew Fogarty...
Whitney Houston was one of the bestselling artists of all time. Nicknamed 'The Voice', she rose to fame in the 1980s. Anthony McCarten's latest release, Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody, directed by Kasi Lemmons, explores the extraordinary life and career of Whitney, all the way from her...
Following Little Children (2006), Todd Field returned in 2022 with his third feature film, and first in 16 years, with Tár, a wonderful assessment of a world-famous classical music composer, and her fame-fuelled power. The film stars Cate Blanchett....
James Cameron's sequel to Avatar has finally come to cinemas after 13 years of waiting. Can Avatar: The Way of Water live up to the spectacle of the first film? Will Stead went to find out. ...
As a slight twist on last year's 'New Releases Roundup' column, the Reviews section are running a series of articles reviewing new seasons that have been released of established TV shows and film series. Three of our writers have reviewed highly popular releases - we hope you enjoy!...
She Said, directed by Maria Schrader, chronicles the inspiring and ground breaking story that revealed the extent of Harvey Weinstein's misconduct and abuse of power over many decades. Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan star in this powerful drama. Impact's Ben Nathan reviews....