Ten years after the first film, the Cloverfield franchise has become unrecognisable from the raw ‘found-footage’ concept that once defined it. Now with a different director (Julius Onah), almost double the budget and J. J. Abrams as the producer, you would think The Cloverfield Paradox was a prequel with serious...
10 Cloverfield Lane isn’t really a Cloverfield film, but then it sorta is. It’s not a hefty great beastie wasting civilisation, its three people in cramped confines wondering if there is a hefty great beastie outside. As does the audience. It shares little formally or narratively with its found-footage...
On the 7th February 2015, The Broncos and The Panthers came together for the Super Bowl 50. Though the clash was exciting for many, just as exciting was the halftime show, in particular the whole host of clips and teasers we were shown for the films of 2016. Impact Film...