Alien: Isolation is the latest game to tie in with the highly successful film franchise of the same name. Thankfully it departs completely from the formula of the last game, Colonial Marines, as first-person shooting is replaced by a genre far more befitting of the films; survival horror. Minimalist...
Yes, it’s cute. Yes, it’s a beautiful story of childhood memories and the fundamental desire for love and companionship. Yet, does the fact that an advertisement is now part and parcel of our Christmas season not scream of all that is wrong about the celebration? For a start, the...
Have you ever come across the concept of the Ship of Theseus? It describes a thought experiment concerning a ship, belonging to the Greek mythical figure Theseus. As the ship endured years of being displayed in Athens, certain components of it grew dilapidated and time-worn. Continually these were replaced...
Gamergate, in the moral and ethical sense, is in fact a facade for a campaign driven by misogynist men in the gaming world. Twenty-four year old Eron Gjoni, member of the gaming world, posted on his blog accusations of an affair his ex-girlfriend, Zoe Quinn, had allegedly had with another gaming...
The Oddworld series sits in a very strange box in the toy-room of video gaming. This is not because they’re bad games but rather because they feel so unique compared to so many other games out there on the market. It might be that Oddworld felt unique because every...
“We’re in the dressing room opposite The Fall”. The interview with Sleaford Mods is momentarily broken as Lia from Fat White Family leans in to have a chat with his mates. Both acts are at the forefront of a new wave in music which is leaving established bands thrown...
SteamWorld Dig from Image and Form is an unexpected tribute to an often forgotten generation of games. Playing as Rusty the Robot, the game takes influence from cult classics such as Metroid, urging the player to explore the deepest, darkest parts of an underground mine. Exploring further into the...