Tom Watchorn continues to review the Mayhem Film Festival for Impact Film & Television. Day Three After the surprise disappointment of Day Two’s final film Stung, it was something of a reassurance that Day Three – the first of the two true marathon sessions and in hindsight prime for...
You may think you have seen all cinema has to offer. Then you see a man’s bellend getting chewed off in the midst of a shoplifting trip gone wrong. ‘Aaaaaaah!’ is oddly poignant for how you will feel watching this creation of gorilla-grunts, excessive nudity and savage gore. The...
Mayhem is one of the cornerstones of Nottingham’s film culture. Hosted by Broadway cinema, each year it brings a fascinating flavour of niche film-making to a wider audience. This is the perfect opportunity to broaden your horizons, but more than this, it’s a must-see event for film-enthusiasts full-stop. With...