Alex Watkin reviews Aaron Sorkin's remarkably sobering release, 'The Trial of the Chicago 7'....
Gerard Butler’s latest disaster film revolves around a comet named Clark, which on impact with earth will supposedly cause an extinction level event. John Garrity (Gerard Butler), his wife Allison Garrity (Morena Baccarin) and son Nathan Garrity (Roger Dale Floyd) are initially selected to be protected in a government...
The Dig, directed by Simon Stone, is based on a 2016 book of the same name by John Preston. The story dramatizes the 1939 excavation of Sutton Hoo, which resulted in a discovery that altered our perception of the dark ages....
Alex reviews Malcolm & Marie, available to stream now on Netflix....
Alex Watkin reviews the film 'Pieces of a Woman' and explores why it lacks depth....
I have a soft spot for Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman (2017), but it’s not a perfect film by any stretch of the imagination. Its third act, which is bland superhero fodder, prevents it competing with some of the highpoints of the genre. Unfortunately, Wonder Woman 1984 does not grasp...
Soul is Pixar’s latest animated film from director-cowriter Pete Doctor. Doctor is the mind behind some of Pixar’s most challenging and highly-regarded films (Monsters Inc, Up and Inside Out). Like Inside Out, Soul attempts to physically represent abstract ideas....