Emotionally charged and curiously optimistic, The Pride by Alexi Kaye Campbell explores the dynamics of relationships fraught with repressed emotions and unspoken words. The play constantly switches between two storylines – one set in 1958, where homosexuality is still very much criminalized, and the other in 2008, where progress...
As the highly anticipated The Pride comes to the New Theatre this week, Impact Arts’ Michelle Williams sat down and spoke to the director, Laura Jayne Bateman and producer, Aneesa Kaleem about the show, its resonance today and how they juggled creating the show alongside university life. Can you tell us a...
Impact Arts caught up with the director, Laura Jayne Bateman, and producer, Aneesa Kaleem, of Nottingham New Theatre’s latest production, the explosive The Thrill of Love. We asked them a series of questions to find out all about the play’s thrills, spills and kills! Can you tell us what...