Suzanne Collins’ infamous book series, The Hunger Games, revolutionised the very genre of science/dystopian fiction. 10 years after the release of the final book in this trilogy, Collins releases her chilling prequal, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, detailing the fascinating past of the main antagonist of the original...
Kya Clark has lived in the marshes of North Carolina her entire life, leaving residents of the local villiages referring to her as the Marsh Girl, afraid and intimidated by her otherness. However, when two men from the nearby town become intrigued by her wild beauty, her whole life...
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak came out in 2005, and has since then been made into an award-winning film. It is a novel that has touched those who have read it, and leaves the reader with a good deal to reflect on. Hannah Walton-Hughes discusses its key characters,...
An unconventional ghost story for Halloween, George Saunders ponders grief, morality, and memory in his debut full-length novel, Lincoln In The Bardo, set in Oak Hill Cemetery, Georgetown in 1862. Amelia Gibbs reviews....
Victoria Mileson You’ve heard of bookstagram, possibly. Well, now it’s time for BookTok. Book bloggers are taking social media platform, TikTok, by storm and regularly recommending their favourite reads. Victoria Mileson delves deeper into the trend. Some accounts focus on more niche recommendations but there are some clear blogger...
Sharon Hsieh reviews Zadie Smith's Swing Time for September's Book Of The Month....
Cora-Laine Moynihan The pain of the inevitable. That is what Rachel Griffin addresses throughout her moving debut The Nature of Witches. A tragic tale of inevitable feelings like grief, loss, and insecurity. Yet also an empowering tale of a girl that rediscovers hope, love and most of all herself....