With an attempt to franchise The Dark Tower, Pennywise the clown terrorising audiences in what is set to be film of the year, and Netflix’s attempt to redo cult classic The Mist, it’s been raining Steven King adaptations this year. Seemingly overshadowed its siblings, however, September brought us the...
Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino and Alexandra Daddario star in the new disaster flick San Andreas which follows a family’s struggle to find each other when the largest earthquake ever recorded hits California. Not knowing much about this film, the trailer looked decent and it had potential. Although some disaster films...
Who better to star in an earthquake disaster movie than Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson? Straight off the back of Furious 7, this latest effort aims to maintain his image as the toughest guy in Hollywood. If all goes to plan, come April 22nd the earthquake won’t know what hit...