Cirque Du Soleil is a world-renowned entertainment company, and they certainly didn’t disappoint with this spectacular production. Attracting all ages alike, the show is thrilling, action-packed and truly magical. Not one to miss! Based in Quebec, Canada, Cirque Du Soleil is the largest theatrical producer in the world. From Michael...
Ah, All Hallow’s Eve, the spookiest night of the year. Ghouls and ghosts abound to send shivers up your spine. Harley Quinns, zombies, skeletons rule the night. And around the corner lurks a mysterious clown – the unmistakable white face, red nose and grotesque, over-happy expression which has always...
An increasing number of calls to ChildLine have been made in connection to the ‘killer clown’ phenomenon that has left young people in Nottingham distressed. The cities getting most of the calls are believed to be Birmingham, Manchester and Nottingham. The centre in Nottingham was contacted 14 times by...