As of last month, The University of Glasgow made a hugely significant political statement in committing to divest completely from fossil fuel companies. This means that it cut any financial ties or investments with the companies hell-bent on perusing financial gain at the expense of our planet. Glasgow was...
For most students, the University libraries are a vital resource, and it can often seem that we are not getting much else for our £9,000. When using the library we have probably all been frustrated at some point by two things: people not returning books on time and being...
On 20th September 2014 Emma Watson delivered a speech on gender equality at the United Nation’s headquarters in New York. It was a loaded speech that was as moving as it was inspirational. The Daily Mail’s response? A headline with no mention of the speech whatsoever, but, ironically, with...
The convenience of Sainsbury’s local or the penny-scrimping potential of Lidl or Aldi? A question that has plagued Lenton’s rambunctious student population for years. It is not just localised to Nottingham however, as the battle between ‘The Big Four’ (Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons) and budget supermarkets is being...
As national elections are fast approaching, the main political parties are stepping up their campaigns. Currently it’s conference season – and conferences matter. In 2015 a new parliament will emerge, and clues as to which party it may be can be found in the party conferences. However, what impact...
Feel like you can’t get a word in edgeways? Want to have your say? Stand up on Comment’s Soapbox, and send us your thoughts on our latest articles. We want to hear from you! We’re now collecting comments on articles up to and including those published on the 24th...
We’re in a time of crisis. Dramatic wording, but it’s true. An estimated 95,000 people in the year were victims of sexual assault, and 1 in 4 students endure unwanted sexual comments about their body. This includes 12 per cent of men, and 37 per cent of women. So...