• Photo of a lighthouse and a massive wave crashing onto the land with grey and stormy skies

    Dudley, Eunice And Franklin: Is There More Stormy Weather Ahead?

    Eleanor Ames delves into whether the recently UK storms which have caused destructing all across the country could have been caused by climate change, and if this is just the beginning of more extreme weather......
  • COP26: A Fool’s Paradise For Forests?

    Last week, over 100 world leaders made a pledge to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030. Backed up with almost £14 billion in funding, this decision, made at the current UN Climate Change Conference, is one of the biggest commitments by world leaders in the...
  • Travel Destinations Facing Extinction

    It’s a common misconception that the Western World is immune to the climate crisis; that we can somehow pay our way out of it or that it’s not our problem. We often take a “last chance” attitude to travel destinations facing extinction rather than putting in the effort to...
  • Why Population Control Is Not The Answer

    Many have felt in recent times that the earth is running out of space and by extension we need to control the population. In the face of the growing climate change such a call has become more appealing, but is this just a siren call?...
  • image shows powerplants pumping out smog

    Slippery Business: Oil Companies and Their Climate Commitments

    Alice Nott Many oil companies such as Shell have been blamed for climate change, with energy being the biggest contributor to the UK’s carbon emissions. However, with mounting pressure many of these companies have made commitments to reduce their carbon output and even go carbon neutral. But should we...
  • The UK Presidency: Setting An Example For The World

    Alice Busvine tells Impact why the UK presidency is imperative for the success of COP26 and how the UK can spearhead the goal to reach net zero by 2050....
  • Photo of a sign being held up against a white background with the words 'one world' and planet earth on it

    The Hopes And Goals Of COP26

    Rian Patel explains the goals of COP26, and what they hope to achieve at this historic conference. Will countries be able to work together and do what it takes to save our planet?...