• Creative Corner: Rush Hour Rhythm and Blues

    Saxophone sirens in dissonant symphony with horn blare of hurtling hornet blur taxi cabs, streets speckled with spectators come to watch the world burn in the embers of their cigarette butts.   You stand alone, still, aside from the lurch in your stomach at each fresh cacophony and jostle...
  • Creative Corner – ‘New Beginnings’ Showcase

    This months theme kicks off the academic year by centering on ‘New Beginnings’. So kick back, relax and press reset… Step up, and step in The sun rises, the sun will set The simplest fact we will ever get For some things are big; some things are small But...
  • Fresher’s Memoirs – Day 4: Induction Contradictions

    A new year, a new start. I’ve been here before / It’s all new to me. Just the same old / A strange, different timetable, campus, ID, IT. Last year seems suddenly so far away as I walk into this new term, so Similar / Different compared to last...
  • Fresher’s Memoirs: Day 3 – The C-Card

    Any First Years wishing to subscribe to the C-card scheme – which allows you to collect free condoms from the Cripp’s Health Clinic – please wait behind after dinner and speak to the nurse at seven. A look goes up and down the long table in the middle of...
  • Fresher’s Memoirs – Day 1: First Day

    So here you are. First day of university life. Sat upon a freshly made bed, your mum’s parting gift, trying to get your head around the fact that you’re actually here. You made it. Months of studying, then a summer of anticipation, researching what to bring to uni, societies,...
  • Creative Corner: ‘Elements’ Showcase

    This month we focused on the theme of elements. The word ‘element’ can be defined in multiple ways, be it relating to the substances; earth, water, fire, and air or as something more figurative such as the element of surprise. Our poets scope the natural, the behavioural and the...
  • Creative Corner: Reindeer Eat Snowman’s Noses

    ‘Please, call me Kate, not Catherine’ suggested that I start writing this. It might help, she offered with another of her well-meaning smiles. She also suggested that I take Ella and Theo away for a bit. How long’s ‘a bit’? Kate doesn’t deal in absolutes. Her sentences start with...