• Lectures: To Record or Not to Record?

    As technology advances, different methods of teaching are becoming available to universities across the country. Impact’s Ellie Wright and Esther Kearney have gone at the heart of one of the university’s most heated debates around this: should lectures be recorded or not? Many people can relate to the suffering involved...
  • Conquering ‘The Final Year Panic’

    You’re a first year and someone asks you what you want to do with your life, you tell them it doesn’t matter you have absolutely ages to decide that, years in fact! But then, all of a sudden, you’ve started your final year and you can’t just shrug off...
  • Boozy Ballot Part II: SU Elections in a CRISIS?

      With this year’s SU Elections coming to a close on Friday, there was still one last opportunity for candidates to win over people’s hearts in the haven that is Crisis. Impact headed along to witness the debauchery of mixing alcohol with student politics, asking students what they really think about the whole elections...
  • The Tactical Chunder: Practical Purge or More Damage Than it’s Worth?

    We’ve all been there (or many of us, at least): you’ve overdone it at pre-drinks, peaked too soon. It’s not even 11pm and you feel as if you’re going to die. However, you are not one to let your stomach defeat you, oh no. A dedicated sesh-head to the...
  • Valentine’s Day: A Survival Guide

    Ahh, it’s that time of year again: Valentine’s Day. Singletons across the country will be treated to a newsfeed full of couples that have been spoilt rotten by bae and lavished with expensive gifts. For some the treat lies in re-watching Bridget Jones in a self-induced ice cream coma and...
  • Thou Student Will Survive #1

    Thou Student Will Survive is a guide to university – with a difference. Through her personal experience of UoN life, Impact’s resident columnist Olivia shares her student commandments… Thou shalt not be a Grinch Up until now I’d banned my housemates from playing Christmas songs. ‘All I want for...
  • The ‘Prinking’ Generation

    ‘(verb) The act of drinking alcohol before you go out to the club to maximise your fun at the club while spending the least amount on extremely overpriced alcoholic beverages…’ This is the definition given by the Urban Dictionary for pre-drinking. Though a slightly cringe-worthy explanation, this summarises the...