A hedonistic portrayal of the early indie sleaze persona with the backdrop of cultural stagnancy and political disbelief directed by Will Lovelace and Dylan Southern, Meet Me in the Bathroom is an archival documentary of the revival of the New York rock scene post-millennium and post-9/11. The likes of...
Anna Boyne The new Netflix documentary Pamela, A Love Story takes everything we thought we knew about 90s blonde bombshell, Pamela Anderson, and refocuses the narrative. The release of TV drama Pam and Tommy brought back into popular consciousness the infamous sex tape that was stolen from the home...
In her recent Channel 4 documentary, journalist Iman Amrani takes us into the underworld of fast fashion and permits us insight into the poor working conditions within Shein’s supply factories. In being the first to capture concrete, video evidence, UNTOLD: Inside the Shein Machine sheds a shocking light upon Shein’s...
Brett Morgen’s new documentary Moonage Daydream celebrates the life of a powerhouse, an archetype of a “messiah rockstar” and maybe one of the best dressed men of the 20th century. Mr David Bowie, also known as The Man Who Fell to Earth, Ziggy Stardust and many other personas! Nat...
Ryan Keane The Boy from the Wild is an upcoming documentary about one man’s experience growing up on a South African game reserve. Emotionally driven with an educational edge, it inspires deep thought in its viewers. Peter Meyer, the documentary’s director and star, speaks to me about his unbelievable...
Ben Ofungwu reviews the New York based Netflix series, 'Pretend It's a City'....
Annabel D’Monte Recently, I’ve felt like I have been consuming so much mindless television that my brain has started to turn to mush. So, in an attempt to rectify this I decided to watch something a little different. I began searching for something more meaningful that would inform and...