11 years, 22 films and 80 years of comic history, Marvel’s Avengers Endgame is a cultural event. It is the culminating film in the current era for Marvel Studios, which began in 2008 with Iron Man, and is a love letter to the fans as it follows on from...
“I can do this all day.” No Marvel! No, we cannot! Stop with the emotional dialogue and the breath-taking set pieces and just give us the film already! For the uninitiated, Captain America: Civil War has been gearing itself up as the ultimate superhero film of all time, no...
Denzel Washington is brandishing his own bracket of justice in the new action thriller The Equalizer, and so we’ve justified a short list of the roles we regard as the actor’s finest. Doug Carlin – Déjà Vu Denzel Washington is known for bringing a mixture of sincerity and gravitas...