In the summer of 1963, Martin Luther King stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC and famously declared that he had a dream that his children would one day not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character....
Impact Features write this article looking for positive Trump policies, with full knowledge of the difficulty of objectively reporting politics without the report being read as the journalist’s unadulterated views. This writer is not a Donald Trump supporter, and this appears to be the norm here in the UK, making the...
Bernie Sanders has been a revelation in this Democratic primary campaign, making a race out of what was considered a stress-free procession for the wily and experienced Hilary Clinton to the Democratic nomination. A fire-brand leftist independent, who in fact was not even a member of the Democratic Party...
The next US Presidential election is less than a year away, so the Republicans need a candidate. For British observers, this is usually an amusing time as we watch a group of ill-informed cretins compete to prove themselves most ignorant/popular, however you see it. Choosing between a group of...
In the run up to this year’s Republican Presidential candidate election, Donald Trump has hogged the media limelight with his weekly liners – all of them consistently politically incorrect and often archaically brutish. He is best described as a professional controversialist, intending to hike up his own publicity, especially since...