If you are not a bargain loving thrifter, get to be! What is not to love about charity shop shopping?! Charity shops are filled with one-off items and lots of original vintage clothing. These days it is so easy to look the same as everyone else; when a new...
In the age of fast fashion and throwaway trends, MPs have proposed that manufacturers should be charged 1p per item of clothing that they make. With high street brands like Primark, New Look and H&M churning out new styles at a rapid rate and cheap sales no longer reserved...
Public consciousness about sustainability is rising and thank goodness! We are becoming increasingly socially aware of the damage we are doing to the environment and we have already enacted change such as the 5p plastic bag charge or the Waste Nott campaign on the UoN campus. We are taking...
Recently it was announced that design powerhouse Gucci were going to tighten their lawsuit on the American fast-fashion chain, Forever 21. The latest in the onslaught of claims from Gucci is that Forever 21 have copied their trademark ‘blue-red-blue’ and ‘green-red-green’ stripe cuffs and webbing. As your style editor...