Daria Paterek The Last of Us is known for its stellar storytelling, fascinating main characters, and engaging combat. However, user opinion shifted upon the release of The Last of Us 2, which divided the fanbase. With the imminent release of The Last of Us TV Show, Daria reflects on the successes and failures of...
Cora-Laine Moynihan Potion Craft is an alchemist simulator where you, as the player, physically interact with tools and ingredients to brew potions. What is a better way to spend your free time than indulging in some alchemy? Cora discusses Potion Craft, which was gifted to Impact as a review copy, and how...
Emily Fletcher The darker hours and the colder nights have led many of us to snuggle up under our sheets. What’s a better way to spend your evening than hiding away in your bed and immersing yourself in a new game? Emily talks about Cozy Grove, which was gifted...
James Warrell James delves into the Smash Presents announcement, where director Sakurai uncovered that Sora will be the last fighter added to Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Costumes First and foremost, let’s get the least interesting part of this reveal out of the way: the costumes. Although the Judd and...
The whole philosophy behind Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is the fundamental belief that complexity doesn't always create enjoyable experiences. Treyarch the game's developer has tried to look back to the past for inspiration in the present and at heart create a game for long standing fans....
Among Us has seen a sudden explosion in popularity over the past few months, which has been unexpected seeing as the game was released over 2 years ago in 2018....
Upon first release, Rare’s Microsoft-exclusive pirate game was empty, grindy and full of trolls who took the whole ‘pirate’ thing a little too seriously. A year on, with four major free updates under its belt and a fifth on the way, let’s run through all the ways Rare has...