• Why We Were Born in the Right Generation

    Ella Beadman Many Gen Zers have adopted the saying “I was born in the wrong generation” feeling that they identify more with previous fashion trends, music tastes, and the simpler lifestyles associated with earlier decades. Yet more often than not, it is easy to view the past as a...
  • Modernised Journalism For GenZ By GenZ: A Conversation With Thred.

    Interview by Abbie Turner. Article sponsored by Thred I sat down with Charlie Coombs and Gemma Robinson, Editor-in-Chief and Community Development Manager respectively at Thred Media to discuss the organisation, what they hope to achieve and how you can get involved. For those who aren’t familiar with Thred; they’re...
  • TikTok On The Clock or TikTok To Be Stopped?

    Rising boredom during lockdown contributed to a surge in time spent on the video-sharing app TikTok. However, with the app potentially compromising consumer privacy and promoting problematic behaviours, is it time for TikTok to be...
  • Focused Foodie: Avocado

    Love avocados? I thought so! To satisfy your avo-cravings, Katy has suggested 5 delicious avocado recipes for you to try at home....