Impact Film and Television review Mayhem Film Festival, held in Nottingham, 15-18 October. Day One One thing to say for the tidal-waves-of-cinema-to-the-face approach which film festivals provide, beyond the smug satisfaction of endurance challenges, is the fact that by the very nature of the exhibition format the highlights of...
British fantasy horror film Howl was shown in Nottingham as part of the Mayhem Film Festival. Director Paul Hyett also came along to answer some questions about the making of the film in a ‘Making Monsters Masterclass’. Werewolves on a train. It sounds like a supernatural Snakes on a...
Mayhem is one of the cornerstones of Nottingham’s film culture. Hosted by Broadway cinema, each year it brings a fascinating flavour of niche film-making to a wider audience. With 17 films shown in 4 days, there’s bound to be something which grabs your interest. Earlier in the week we...
Mayhem is one of the cornerstones of Nottingham’s film culture. Hosted by Broadway cinema, each year it brings a fascinating flavour of niche film-making to a wider audience. This is the perfect opportunity to broaden your horizons, but more than this, it’s a must-see event for film-enthusiasts full-stop. With...