Adam Pratchett is the only candidate running for the position of Sports Officer this year. The returning officer for the hustings was Lauren Heria, who chaired the session. Adam started by giving a one minute pitch to the audience in which he introduced himself as the President of the...
The candidates running for President in this year’s Students’ Union elections took part in a hustings earlier this week. The returning officer was SU President Ismail Sadurdeen, who chaired the session. The Question Time began with the candidates giving a one minute introduction to themselves. Joshua Chan started by...
This year, Declan Greaves and Cassie O’Boyle are the candidates running for Education Officer in the Students’ Union elections. The Education Officer hustings offered a chance for voters to have their questions answered and to hear the candidates’ manifesto points. The returning officer for the hustings was Beth Massey, who...
On Tuesday 7th March 2016, the candidate running for Activities in this year’s Students’ Union Elections participated in a Question Time. At the start of the hustings, people were informed that Joe McGeehan had dropped out of the race to become the 2017-18 Activities Officer, leaving Martin Nguyen to...