During the summer of 2018, I headed off to Hong Kong for 5 weeks to participate in an International Summer School as part of UoN’s summer school programme. Here is why YOU should do the same next year: 1.It’s an insanely cheap way to travel – unfortunately, there isn’t...
My girl WhatsApp group chat continually buzzes with general random topics like food, fashion and most importantly, boys. Screenshots of conversations ping back and forth and advice is absolutely needed. ‘What do I do?’, ‘I like him but he did this and he treated me like that’ and the...
When deciding to go to university there are always those niggling (and slightly stressful) thoughts at the back of your mind: ‘am I choosing the right degree? Will this help me to get the right job? How am I going to compete with all the cleverer people around me?!’....
OK, I know that social media’s impact is analysed day in and day out literally inside and out by the private and public sphere. However, this is a pertinent question since it is affecting young people. Today’s generation seem to be more than ever sucked into a social media...
The government wants kids to know their times tables and grammar better. Are they right or can you get by without them? For me, grammar and numeracy are two of the most important topics to learn in school, or at least, that is what my teachers continuously stressed to...