Daira Paterek Daria explores how such a small indie game blew up into a worldwide phenomenon, only to plunge back into obscurity. In 2020, Among Us was everywhere. Despite releasing in 2018, Among Us exploded in popularity in mid-2020. Yet its sudden surge in popularity was not long-term, as the game’s playerbase entered...
Ah, a holiday. It’s what we all dream of in the current circumstances. Jetting off to somewhere hot, sipping a cocktail on the beach while gentle sounds of the sea come crashing in. However, this is the reality for some social media stars. But doesn’t it seem a little …insensitive?...
Despite the environmental revolution our generation has continued to cultivate, the fast fashion industry is only growing stronger. In 2019 Misguided nearly broke the internet with their £1 bikini; described by Zoe Wood as ‘a symbol of a throwaway fashion culture’. Not to mention, brands today continue to create...
As a generation we are surrounded by an online presence of ‘influencers’ and an ever evolving beauty standard; more and more young people are turning to plastic surgery to ‘fix’ their ‘flaws’. ...
We live in a society of social media addicts, and who doesn’t love getting a nice picture to upload onto their feed, especially abroad. Personally, I like getting a cute picture in the sun and I love a good backdrop. However, recent fatal accidents have highlighted a new danger...
OK, I know that social media’s impact is analysed day in and day out literally inside and out by the private and public sphere. However, this is a pertinent question since it is affecting young people. Today’s generation seem to be more than ever sucked into a social media...