Disney’s Academy-Award winning adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytale of the same name, The Little Mermaid (1989), was the catalyst for the Disney Renaissance; a decade that catapulted worldwide critical and commercial success for the animation studio and boasted well-acclaimed classics such as Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin...
Lenny Abrahamson’s adaption of Emma Donoghue’s novel, Room, is a heart-wrenching and certainly stressful tale of the kidnapping and captivity of “Ma” (Brie Larson), a girl abducted by ‘Old Nick’ (Sean Bridges) and held prisoner in his garden shed for 7 years when the film begins. Her character is...
Adapted from an award-winning novel by Emma Donoghue, Room begins seven years into the captivity of “Ma” (Brie Larson) and her 5-year old son, Jack (Jacob Tremblay). Although Ma remembers the life and people she left behind, Jack’s whole universe is contained within the single room that their kidnapper...