• Nottingham Citizens hold politicians to account in General Assembly

    Last night, Nottingham Citizens held a General Assembly, where over 2000 people from across Nottingham heard local and national politicians be held to account on the issues that matter to the city. Nottingham Citizens is an alliance of 43 community organisations from education, faith, trade union and third sector...
  • Encouraging graduates to “stay local” is missing the point

    A recent RSA think-tank study found that graduates should be given advice on jobs, housing and matches with local employment opportunities in a bid to stimulate local economies through local graduates. However, the study fails to account for the work already done by universities to provide local graduate opportunities,...
  • First Year in Five Questions

    Coming to university is a big milestone. Whether you’re a home student, an international student, a postgraduate or a mature student, you are undoubtedly going to learn more about yourself and about others very quickly in the first few weeks of term. So here’s a quick list answering the...
  • The University Experience

    As we prepare to embark on our third and final year of university, I wonder, has our three year stint in the UoN bubble been all it was cracked up to be? Are we any closer to knowing what we want to do ‘when we grow up’? And have any...