Netflix's Squid Game is a nine episode long Korean thriller that revolves around a group of 456 people in financial debt that have been manipulated to take part in a survival game of six rounds where each round is a violent interpretation of children's game in hopes to win...
Elliana Murillo After the historic win of the 2019 film Parasite at the Oscars in 2020, K-drama has become a new, current interest to watch. Further evidence? The latest popularity of Netflix’s Squid Game. Elliana discusses the possibility of whether South Korea could be seen as Hollywood’s biggest competitor...
With the recent rise in popularity of the Korean TV show Squid Game (2021) on Netflix, a debate has risen about whether dubbing series into English takes away from the viewing experience and changes the ideas initially communicated. Gemma Cockrell explores how questionable Netflix’s dubbing actually is....